20k on RC17, Mini Talon

Full flight report in edit mode, will come later.
Ook, this is the full length video, sometime this week will edit a shorter one too.

and this was Sunday, a “bit” longer, raw


Nice :+1:
Congrats on 20k

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Ohh, thanks, it’s a bit easier, after a few 15-18k s…

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I am currently setting up a mini talon too and I am wondering if better to use openHD RC link or a separate lora RC link…

Which one are you using for your LR flights ?

Thank you

RC through frsky r9 system on 868mhz

Thank you for the quick answer !

Which separation did you choose for antennas on the plane ?
AC56 on front and R9 on the rear ?
receivers on wing ?
other ?

Pi, camera in front, Asus stick in the middle of the plane, frsky/antenna in the back