Aviatetris Open HD canopy

Custom housing for Open HD system from Aviatetris.com

STL files are here:



Just to be clear this not mine, I just felt it should be in here. :slightly_smiling_face:


4 This model

Fehler | VK for other camera

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Blue Stick : https://aliexpress.ru/item/32884675724.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.264d33edYqR8Vr&_ga=2.174499488.348014551.1599570399-790558628.1581598352

Camera : https://www.aliexpress.ru/item/Raspberry-Pi-3B-5Mp-Megapixel-Night-Camera-Ov5647-Sensor-Wide-Angle-Camera-Module-for-Raspberry-Pi/33000945722.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.264d33edvyZM5E&_ga=2.206925457.348014551.1599570399-790558628.1581598352

785,64 руб. 33%OFF | Raspberry Pi 4 камера ночная версия с 150 градусов широкоугольным 5 м пикселей 1080P модуль камеры также поддерживает Raspberry Pi 3
10.09€ 40% OFF|Raspberry Pi 4 Kamera Nacht Version mit 150 Grad Weitwinkel 5M Pixel 1080P Modul Auch Unterstützung Rpi3|camera opel|module displaymodul - AliExpress second box made for this camera

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The pi zero is a good size and shape for the air pi but is a bit under powered. Has anyone explored developing a custom version of the pi3 or pi4 designed specifically for the air pi? It could be made much smaller and lighter than the stock pi3/4 (remove all the USB connectors etc) and have custom ports, 2 camera connectors, built in buck converter so it could be run directly from the drone/plane battery etc.
Any interest?

Very clean compact setup! I love this design!