Pi 4B GroundPi
Zero AirPi
RTL8812AU BearExtender Turbo
Zeus 722 FCC
I don’t know if the hardware I have is even capable of it, but I just can’t get the GroundPi to connect to my phone. I tried tethering first and it just never even registered that my phone was connected. I tried using different phones and cables, tried messing with the usb tethering settings, but nothing seems to work. I also tried hotspot but that also didn’t work. OpenHD never comes up in the list of available connection. I tried adjusting every setting I could but nothing worked. Auto, manual, different channels, etc… It says on the logs that there is no hotspot capable hardware found. What else should I try? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Sounds like you have changed alot of stuff… instead of true troubleshooting I would just start over
Reset your settings by copying a fresh settings file or just reburn your image. Set everything up on your groundpi as if you will fly (wifi card plugged in, plug a display in- make sure osd appears and you can recieve video from airpi) to make sure things are working.
Then get on another device and search for the openhd hotspot. If you dont see it using your phone maybe try a laptop or other device. Default is “auto” which means on a pi4b plugged into that RTL8812AU (which in “auto” will be on 5.8g band) your wifi hotspot should be on 2.4g
Thank you for the quick response. I reflashed the sd cards with a fresh image. Wifi cards and display was plugged in. I received video and telemetry from the airpi just fine. I looked up for the openhd hotspot on 2 phones and a laptop. I still couldn’t find it. I checked the settings and hotspot was on auto. I tried doing usb tethering but that didn’t work either. I think I might have messed something up or overlooked something because I feel like it’s weird that neither one works. Is there a way I can troubleshoot this?
if you hook up a keyboard to your groundpi and hit ctrl-c you should be able to get to a terminal… from there its linux commands to troubleshoot the wifi
You could also get on telegram and get alot more interaction and advice…
Will do. I already got a keyboard and mouse connected to the ground. Nothing really happens when i hit ctrl-c though. Sorry I’m not super familiar with some of the simple things I should probably know.
Stephen is the guy that is really running the show these days- he might be thinking of doing an update to openhd in the near future. We might also want to wait for him to see these messages so he can weigh in. I am 90 percent sure I have identified the problem but I have been out of this side of of openhd for over a year ( I could not even instruct you correctly how to get to terminal since “ctl-c” did not work hahah)