After some more tuning I am happy with all the settings now. Here is my iNav diff:
INAV/MATEKF722MINI 2.6.1 Feb 25 2021 / 10:53:27 (64249b1a)
GCC-9.2.1 20191025 (release) [ARM/arm-9-branch revision 277599]
start the command batch
batch start
mmix reset
mmix 0 1.000 -1.000 -0.659 1.000
mmix 1 1.000 -0.809 0.659 -1.000
mmix 2 1.000 1.000 -0.659 -1.000
mmix 3 1.000 0.809 0.659 1.000
feature -BLACKBOX
feature -OSD
feature GPS
serial 0 2 115200 115200 0 115200
serial 3 256 115200 115200 115200 115200
aux 0 0 0 1300 2100
aux 1 1 1 900 1675
aux 2 2 1 1650 1750
aux 3 3 1 900 1650
aux 4 11 1 900 1350
aux 5 10 1 900 1250
aux 6 13 2 1300 2100
set looptime = 500
set gyro_hardware_lpf = 256HZ
set gyro_lpf_hz = 110
set gyro_lpf_type = PT1
set gyro_stage2_lowpass_hz = 250
set gyro_stage2_lowpass_type = PT1
set dynamic_gyro_notch_enabled = ON
set dynamic_gyro_notch_q = 200
set acc_hardware = MPU6000
set acczero_x = 99
set acczero_y = -11
set acczero_z = -338
set accgain_x = 4074
set accgain_y = 4105
set accgain_z = 4031
set align_mag = CW270FLIP
set mag_hardware = QMC5883
set magzero_x = 690
set magzero_y = 110
set magzero_z = 125
set maggain_x = 1215
set maggain_y = 1317
set maggain_z = 1303
set baro_hardware = DPS310
set pitot_hardware = NONE
set min_check = 1050
set rssi_channel = 16
set serialrx_provider = FPORT
set serialrx_inverted = ON
set blackbox_rate_denom = 8
set motor_pwm_protocol = DSHOT600
set throttle_idle = 12.000
set failsafe_procedure = RTH
set failsafe_min_distance = 2000
set failsafe_min_distance_procedure = SET-THR
set align_board_roll = -8
set align_board_pitch = 14
set bat_voltage_src = SAG_COMP
set motor_direction_inverted = ON
set model_preview_type = 3
set disarm_kill_switch = OFF
set applied_defaults = 2
set gps_sbas_mode = AUTO
set gps_ublox_use_galileo = ON
set mc_airmode_type = THROTTLE_THRESHOLD
set nav_mc_hover_thr = 1400
set i2c_speed = 800KHZ
profile 1
set mc_p_pitch = 50
set mc_i_pitch = 60
set mc_d_pitch = 25
set mc_p_roll = 45
set mc_i_roll = 50
set mc_p_yaw = 50
set mc_i_yaw = 70
set max_angle_inclination_rll = 400
set max_angle_inclination_pit = 350
set dterm_lpf_hz = 91
set dterm_lpf_type = PT1
set dterm_lpf2_hz = 150
set dterm_lpf2_type = PT1
set yaw_lpf_hz = 30
set d_boost_factor = 1.500
set antigravity_gain = 2.000
set antigravity_accelerator = 5.000
set setpoint_kalman_enabled = ON
set setpoint_kalman_q = 200
set thr_mid = 45
set thr_expo = 60
set rc_yaw_expo = 70
set roll_rate = 70
set pitch_rate = 70
set yaw_rate = 60
battery_profile 1
set bat_cells = 4
set vbat_min_cell_voltage = 300
set vbat_warning_cell_voltage = 320
set battery_capacity = 3000
set battery_capacity_warning = 750
set battery_capacity_critical = 600