FIXED! Had a faulty HDMI to HDMI micro adapter… All working fine now!
When I connect the HDMI from my ground PI4B to my TV, everything works fine, I see video and telemetry from the Air PI. But when I connect it to my Fatshark HDO or Fatshark HD2 I get no picture. The HDMI of both goggles work fine if I, for example, connect my laptop to the goggles, I have a picture. I have tried the hdmi_safe = 1 in the config.txt, without success. Also the hdmi_force_hotplug = 1 did not work. config_hdmi_boost = 4 neither. And tested all possible other output options, anyway, no picture in the Fatshark goggles.
Have tried powering the PI with USB-C, and with a power supply at 5.1v @ 5Amp to the GPIO. And with nothing else connected to the PI. HDMI works on the TV, not on the Fatsharks…
Anyone an idea? I’m clueless…
Oh, when I connect the Fatshark to the AirPi (Pi Zero), I do get a picture! Just text scrolling by, but still a picture…