From wiki,we know that Openhd can’t achieve RC control uplink if we use 4G LTE.But I know that someone uses socat to data Forwarding and GSTREAMER to video forwarding through OpenVPN on Raspbian.But the developer didn’t show codes for free(about 74$).So I just want to ask Stephen can we achieve this funtion?
This video is tester using 4G LTE by HUAWEI E8372.
btw It will be great if there is another option for VPN except the zero tie, Like [pgyvpn.] (贝锐蒲公英软件客户端最新版官方下载,蒲公英联机组网平台软件下载 - 贝锐蒲公英官网) @stephen would you like to add another VPN option like pgyvpn , It will be much faster than zerotie in china.