QOpenHD on Linux

Hello All,

Running Debian Bullseye (11)

When I run the QOpenHD file i get:
./QOpenHD-Linux_x86_64-0.4.018b.018b-Linux-x86: symbol lookup error: ./QOpenHD-Linux_x86_64-0.4.018b.018b-Linux-x86: undefined symbol: _ZNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEE12_M_constructEmc, version Qt_5

I have the full QT5 IDE installed.
What am I missing?

Thank You

I dont really know… First time trying to build for linux and it has gone sideways. I suspect it might need qt 5.15 on your system

I took down the linux qopenhd release link…

Will have to put some more work into that later. Sorry