I tried to run the system without success and I got to the point where I have to ask for help.
There is only black image with default OSD, I see -126 dBm on transmit and receive despite log shows that Air PI was found and telemetry is transmitted. Also temperature and load of Air PI is read as 0. Actualy image looks the same despite Air PI is powered or not. The instalation is 2.0.8
Ground PI 3B+, TL-WN722N v1.2 soldered to micro usb power pads, powered by original RPI power adapter.
Air PI 4B, TL-WN722N v1.2 soldered to usb C power pads, powered by similar to original RPI power adapter, Wavehare TC358743 HDMI to CSI converter with Gopro Hero7. Also configured camera settings as suggested in config file.
I also made antenna mod on both TL-WN722N as suggested in WiFi adapters section.
I was able to confirm on Raspian installation that Wavehare TC358743 HDMI to CSI converter with Gopro Hero7 is sending image to RPI (also confirmed that with Hero3).
I suspect issue with the WiFi adapter, meanwhile I’m waiting for “blue sticks” from aliexpress.
Any ideas what else can I check? Or just TL-WN722N is a rubbish?