Hello everyone, I bought this adapter https://aliexpress.ru/item/4000102166176.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.272933edkvGW8L&_ga=2.119626382.703824924.1613586438-692191768.1608151073&sku_id=12000018526816585
how can fix with connect it?
I have the same HDMI-CSI adapter.
I was also wondering why the AirPi says that the driver ist not supported but it is working anyway.
The board is connected to the HDMI output of my actioncam.
You just have to set up the parameters in the openhd-settings-1.txt:
This is what I have:
# >>>>>>>>>>[RASPIVID CAMERA SETTINGS]-- # There are dozens of paramaters, see the RPI forum for all settings. #EXTRAPARAMS="-cd H264 -n -fl -ih -pf high -if both -ex sports -mm average -awb horizon" # UNCOMMENT, AND USE THESE CAMERA SETTINGS FOR THE B101 OR SIMILAR HDMI-CSI ADAPTER EXTRAPARAMS="-cd H264 -n -fl -ih -pf high -if both"