Hello, this is the first test of my OpenHd build with RC on OpenHD link.
I’m opening the topic just to show how the RPIZ 5Mp wideangle camera
is showing up. Sorry for the wobbling, need to perfect the F.C. setup.
Setup is quadcopter with Raspi 3A+ in Air and 4B on ground, blue aliexpress
sticks set at lowish power (45 if I recall), CTS=Y, 1080p30, Data Rate 4, RC7
Although far better than analogue systems, image seem unfocused in some areas
don’t know if it is supposed to be so with the OV5647sensor but to me seem a
lens limit or my camera is defective. Sure I’ll get a better camera.
This is the camera link:RPIZ CAM 5MP 160: Raspberry Pi Zero - Camera, 5MP, 160° at reichelt elektronik
Focusing attempt:
RPIZ 5Mp Cam focusing attempt - YouTube
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